1968 - RISD graduation
1968 - Mexico
1969 - Project Pep
Public Art Workshop
1972-Mad Bomber
1975 -Comprehensive Pictorial History of Rockford
1975 -Comprehensive Pictorial History of Rockford
Working on a silhouette mural
1981 - Peace Mural
1988 - Nuclear Weapon Free Zone signs for Oak Park
1965 Summer
Studied at Academia San Carlos under sculptress, Elizabeth Catlett Mora. Worked from model in clay and plaster.
1966 Summer
Observed muralist, Jose Chavez Morado in Guana Justo, Mexico. Morado works in stone, stained glass, and Acrylics. Traveled extensively throughout Mexico.
1967 Summer
Worked as an assistant to Maestro David Alfaro Siqueiros on his “March of Humanity” mural, the largest mural in the world. Siqueiros is the last of the three great Mexican muralists, which have included Rivera and Orosco. The ”March of Humanity” mural covers both walls and ceilings of a massive auditorium. This project, lasting over five years, combines both painting and painted-sculpture. Mark worked as part of an international team of artists.
Invited by Siqueiros, as part of a painting team to resume work on the “March of Humanity” mural. Rhode Island School of Design considered his work as his Independent Thesis Project. While in Mexico Mark compiled a comprehensive documentary slide of “The Mural in Progress”. He used these slides for a lecture series. In 1969 Mark returned to photograph more murals of Rivers, Orozco, and Siqueiros as well as several lesser-known and younger artists. These slides are now at the South Side Art Center to continue to inspire artists and communities.
1968 & 1969
Art Instructor at Program to Excite Youth (P.E.P.) in Saratoga Springs, NY at Skidmore College. The project was honored as a top innovation program in the U.S. Mark returned in the summer of 1969 as the Community Relations Director and Art Instructor. While there he supervised students painting the 16’x24’ “Peace Mural”.
Received BFA at Rhode Island School of Design in painting.
Moved to Chicago to begin a Master’s Degree in Painting at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Arriving the day after the 1968 Democratic National Convention where the police brutalized protestors.
Conducted workshops in Public Art engaging students in various art projects including murals, and portable street theater props.
Completed his Master’s Degree in Painting at School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Mark directed multiple murals involving Columbia College students and youth from the communities the murals are in.
Towards Freedom 540 Lake Shore Drive
Unity of the People 3932 W Madison
Protect the People’s Home Irving Park and Sheridan
Artist in Residence Murals for the People at the Museum of Contemporary Art with Mark’s mural Free Angela Davis, Free All Political Prisoners
Public Art Workshop opens
The People United Will Never Be Defeated portable mural, Chicago
Directed Break the Grip of the Absentee Landlord mural, Chicago
Mural Manual is published
Directed Silent Challenge mural team from Rosecrance Home for Delinquents.
Artist in Residence History of College of DuPage mural
Silhouette Murals is published
Mural Manual is published
Directed Austin Community Mural Festival
Artist in Residence at University of Nebraska and Nebraska Penal Complex
Created several interior murals with Howland’s Wiz Kid’s George Howland Elementary School
Co-Directed West Side Year of the Child mural with the Public Art Workshop
Coordinator of Exhibits and Publication for his father Milton Rogovin’s Photography
Co-Directed West Fire porcelain enamel mural with the Public Art Workshop for Art Commission, City of Chicago.
Peace Mural at Columbia College Chicago
Co-founded by Mark the Peace Museum opens
Peace Museum Give Peace a Chance exhibit
Peace Museum Unforgettable Fire exhibit
Board of Directors at Pablo Neruda Cultural Center
Board of Directors at Urban Life Center
Expansion Arts Panel National Endowment for the Arts
Resigned as Peace Museum Director
Artist in residence at La Rabida Children’s Hospital
Designed Nuclear Weapon Free Zone signs for Oak Park
Created political banners for the Gene Hackman movie “The Package.”
Co-Authored The Day Will Come: Stories of the Haymarket Martyrs and Those Buried Alongside Them.
Mark helped organize a nationwide movement to celebrate his hero, the centennial of actor, singer, and activist Paul Robeson.
Created a fundraising campaign to replace the stolen palm fronds from the Haymarket Martyrs Monument.
After two years of research Mark, along with archaeologists dig for the Haymarket Martyrs Monument Time Capsule